Sayo Number Five – What I Pack

So this will be our fifth baby! But that doesn’t mean I know what I’m doing.  Especially this time when we haven’t done this in quite a while.  I’d like to share with you what I’m bringing with me.


  1. Bag (Camera Backpack)
  2. Camera (Canon 6D with 24-105)
  3. Lens (50mm 1.4)
  4. Extra camera battery
  5. iPhone
  6. iPad
  7. Wall adapter for iDevices
  8. Socks
  9. T-Shirt
  10. Electric razor
  11. Toothbrush
  12. Money and some change
  13. Personal business cards
  14. Pill container with Advil and allergy pills
  15. Rosary
  16. Ring rosary

Yes, I am very digital. Having a baby, in my experience, and as the dad, is a waiting game and a “social” experience.  We’ll try not to overshare but we give no guarantees. And pictures (photographer rant incoming)!  I don’t know about you but getting good pictures of the whole experience is key!  I look at those pictures time and time again. Smartphones today take great pictures but are lousy in low light so you get blurry pictures or the flash going off blinding everyone involved!   Video is even worse in low light.  So I’m coming prepared.  Another thing that’s important?  A shave. My kids hate stubble, “Owy! Your face hurt me daddy!” A