iPhone 4 Adventure (8/20/2008)

Nancy is getting the new iPhone 4 today. I’m not so excited since it won’t be my phone, sniffle, sniffle. But I thought to document the whole process of getting one since AT&T is so prone to bad customer service. We have to go to the AT&T store instead of the Apple store because I get a 50% discount on accessories and will definitely have to get a case for it. And it’s probably less crazy in an AT&T store instead of an Apple store as far as the kids are concerned. So here we go to Emeryville for an iPhone and some a cool Train visit for Spencer.

Update 10:39am

Out of stock! Tried the AT&T store as well but they are only take pre-orders. I broke my own rule about calling first. They recommended I call the Apple store in Downtown SF between 11:30 and 3. Weird. Going to the Emeryville Market for some Thai food.

Update 11:00

At the Amtrak station there’s this bridge that you take an elevator up to. When we got in Spencer says, “Smells like poo poo daddy.” This is what I call a S.K.S.E. moment – Smart Kid , Stinky Elevator.

Update 11:45



Nancy and I went and saw “Inception.”  Dark City meets the Matrix.  Or, Dark City II.  I really liked the concept and would love to see this as a TV series. Leonardo was good.  I’m glad he is growing up.  I actually like movies where he gets beat up.  The more he gets beat up the more I feel like he’s feeling some remorse for Titanic.  Nancy feels like maybe they should have picked another actress for Leo’s wife.  I feel like they should have done better with the “Architect” character.  If you like action you’ll dig this movie.  And it’s cerebral as well.  If you don’t know what “cerebral” means then you’ll have a tough time with this movie.

Date night!

Nancy and I are having a date night. Whoo hoo! The kids will be staying at the Auses’s. Awesome of them. Ganst gut.

Day at the beach

The Whitney’s and the Toepfer’s came and visited us and we all went to the Alameda beach! The wind was a tad bit chilly but the water was actually very nice. I didn’t know David was part fish. It was also nice to finally see RJ post Marine Corps. Spencer was just absolutely happy being around so many of his cousins. Chandler just couldn’t help but steal kisses from Eva. It was cute.  And Tyler Ann is getting to be the awesome little lady that she is. Darryl got a bit of a sun burn while napping with Max. Max was pooped at the beach. Pooped as in tired. Not pooped as in smelly pants.  Picture album located here: Alameda Beach Album


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